Life Can Create Stress

Everything in life creates some stress.  Even good things happening in your life create stress.  Problems with stress occur when too much stress has gathered in your life.  How much is too much?  This depends entirely upon you.  Each of us has an Optimum Stress Level.  This is the level where you have enough to do to be excited about life.  At your Optimum Stress level you are neither bored nor overwhelmed.  You function at a level of efficiency, accomplishing realistic goals.  You feel satisfied with your life and your work.

When you exceed your Optimum Stress Level you begin to feel stressed-out, overwhelmed and probably notice that your efficiency drops, just at the time you need it to increase because you have a lot more to handle.   You may begin to notice that you are forgetful, missing things that would have not been a problem for you before.  You become irritable and cope with people and situations with less patience and insight than you previously had.  You may begin to notice that you work much harder.  This becomes a self perpetuating spiral as the symptoms of stress create more stress.  The continuation of this stressed out or dis-stressed state begins to wear on the body, reducing the immune system and creating a myriad of health problems.

Likewise, when your life changes and your stress level is beneath your Optimum Stress Level, you can become stressed out.  Again, your efficiency level drops, irritability, memory loss, headaches, general aches and pains begin to plague you.  This is often seen in highly successful people when they retire.  Amorphous feelings of discontent and dissatisfaction result in somatic disorders that are often blamed on aging or poor health.  As you feel worse and worse you are less likely to take on task that will bring you back up to your Optimum Stress Level.

Learn to identify this important level and how to cope with and conquer feeling stressed out in my workshop Coping and Conquering Stress.  Learn techniques that reduce stress to enable you to return to the balance and harmony of life at YOUR Optimum Stress Level.

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